August 24, 2020 - Get involved: Black Writers Weekend & We Need Diverse Books

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Hi Wattpadders,

Community is incredibly important to us, and now more than ever, we want to make sure we're supporting not only the incredible writers in our community but connecting with writers around the world. We wanted to share with you two exciting initiatives happening in partnership with other writing communities focused on celebrating writers and honoring diverse voices.

We are thrilled to be sponsoring Black Writers Weekend 2020, happening virtually this year from Aug 27-29. Black Writers Weekend is the largest gathering for Black literary creatives and writers. Centered around the importance of Black voices, Black stories, and the Black experience, Black Writers' Weekend has been the premier event in the Black literary industry for over a decade.

On August 28th at 5:30PM EST, four of the amazing Wattpad Stars from our community, Daven McQueen (@keyframed), Angel Hilson (@AngeltheAuthor320), Ashley Melonson (@ashleymariefiction), and Paula Gill (@paulapdx), will be participating in a panel titled Create + Master a Writing Career with Wattpad, talking in depth about their experience in finding both a community and a successful writing career on Wattpad. The Wattpad Stars live panel can be streamed for free here on Facebook and YouTube. You can find out more about the event, and info on how to reserve your virtual seat here. 

Looking for more incredible stories from diverse voices? Our friends at We Need Diverse Books and Penguin Random House are proud to share the 2019 Creative Writing Award winning submissions with our community on the profile here.

The Creative Writing Awards is a scholarship program from Penguin Random House focused on encouraging the next generation of diverse and unique voices. You can read the 2019 winning entries along with a selection of honorable mention submissions.

We love being inspired by other writing communities focused on celebrating diversity, and hope these stories inspire you and the incredible community you have built at Wattpad.

- Wattpad HQ

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