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 We were walking in the woods back to where we came from. Lily was behind us following. 

"Psssst...oi Zeus..."

I groan and roll my eyes. 

"PSSSST! ZEUS!" I heard him say in a very loud whisper. 

I snapped, "What Sozin!"

He raises his one brow and cautiously asks me,"You alright? You not worried?"

I turn back to face the front and said, "Drop it."

"But this is important. Every time you-"

"I know what happens every time!" I said coarsely,  "Now drop it!"

Sozin actually listened for once and kept silent.


I could hear their deep voices whispering to each other ahead as we walked. Zeus had not said a word to me since I've left. He didn't even ask if I was okay, considering I was BLIND! I didn't have  time to grab my stick guide. So I was completely relying on my senses. 

It was okay. But a little bit difficult. I kept tripping a little here and there. Or I smack into a tree branch. Not once did Zeus check to see if I was alright. But I guess that is expected. I wasn't surprised, yet for some reason I hoped that he would have proven my doubt wrong. In my head I had pretended that he would care. He would sweep me off my feet, telling me he would take care of him. That he would love me.

After tripping over the one millionth log, I knew I couldn't go on like this. 

I cleared my throat, "Ummm, excuse me?" I said politely...I didn't want to anger any of them. Who knew what they could do to me.  

"Yes?" Responded Zeus. His voice had given me chills. 

I hesitantly asked, "I'm sorry, but you see, it's a little difficult for me to keep up without my stick. Would it be okay if you could please help me? Perhaps guide me?"

Zeus responded quickly with a very formal and robotic manner, "Sozin will guide you."

I gulped, "Th-thank you." Even though we had not been mates for long, there was a pang in my chest at how cold he was. He did not seem effected by the news of us being mates.

The one I presume is Sozin fell back to walk at my side. He placed my hands on his arm. 

"Thank you very much, Sozin." I said quietly, "I'm sorry you have to do this. If I just had my-"

"You're very welcome, Lily." He replied formally. But he seemed polite and at least more gentle with me than Zeus. 

I coughed awkwardly before I asked, "If you don't mind me asking, where exactly are we going? Do you have a pack? Or..."

No one answered. I don't think they are the talking type, I guess. So we kept walking and walking for about half an hour. 

And then we finally came to a stop. Sozin took my hand and guided me forward. He placed it on someone else's arm. Sparks shot up my arm. I knew exactly who I was with. 

"What is going on? Are we here?" I asked anxiously. 

"Brace yourself, Lily." I heard Zeus warn. 


He places his hand over my own tightly and said, "We are about to enter a portal. I suggest you hang on tight, or else we might lose ya."

With that said, I instantly clung to his arm. Through my blind eyes, I saw a light that grew brighter and brighter. Then a strange sensation tingles over my skin. I felt like every molecule and every cell was getting pulled into something. Like my body was getting sucked into it. I held Zeus's arm tighter and closed my eyes in fear of what is to come.

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