( Editing right now) Synopsis When Malenia, a betrayed middle-aged woman, is transported to a magical world, she becomes the Dungeon Mistress of a perilous, untamed continent. With her ability to conceive powerful monsters effortlessly, Malenia embarks on a journey to unite the scattered monster tribes under her command. In a land filled with danger and intrigue, Malenia faces fierce invasions from other races seeking to claim the continent. As she breeds formidable monsters and builds her army, she navigates a world of seductive alliances, intense battles, and forbidden passions. Her rise to power is marked by both the thrill of dominance and the heat of romantic entanglements with her monstrous allies. Amidst the chaos, Malenia also grapples with the hidden agendas of dark forces, Will she conquer the continent and reshape its destiny while exploring the depths of her own desires? In this erotic fantasy of power and seduction, Malenia's journey is as alluring as it is dangerous. Explicit content warning!! This story is really lewd, and degenerated but with serious plot. For discord - dsc.gg/true-one Write that link in Google or any browser