THE TRAM CHUGGED along its track, following the sharp curves of the Mirean coastline. The Fragilli was still, the entire sea brought to heel by the weather. A layer of ice stretched from the beach to the horizon.
Abby blew out, breath frosting the compartment's tiny window. Heat flowed out of the overhead vents, her hair frizzing from its ferocity. She'd tried to turn it down, but a hand quicker than her own clamped onto her wrist, and refused to let her.
She eyed the culprit, who sat beside her, knees tucked into his chest, a blanket wrapped around his body and over his head.
It wasn't her fault he'd taken the weather report lightly.
He let the blanket slip off his head, causing his hair to riot. It sprang to action as if evacuating a sinking ship, strands diving every which way.
His red-rimmed eyes pleaded with her. "Please don't turn it down."
He squeezed her wrist, and she relented, placing her hand—her smartly gloved hand – back on her lap.
"They called for snow."
"But it wasn't snowing when we left," he grumbled, his gaze darting to the window, the sky spitting snowflakes onto the ground. Sebbi winced, another shiver rocking his body. He closed the blanket around himself, bringing it right below his nose.
"Yes, well, seems they were right." She scooted close enough that their elbows grazed and Sebbi eagerly bent, like a plant chasing sunlight, to rest his head on her shoulder.
Even through the blanket and jacket, and her heavy tunic, she felt the coolness of his cheek.
Quickly, she wrapped an arm around him and offered him a spot underneath her own blanket.
He clamored to get under it, but was careful enough to not knock it off her lap.
They shared it instead, as they had the night Sebbi had returned, their hands brushing against each other.
"I'm–" He sneezed, hair buffeting his eyes.
"The second we get off this tram, we're getting you a coat."
"Gloves and mittens too?" He shook the hairs out of his face and stared up at her.
She nodded. "Gloves and mittens too."
Abby would do anything to make sure Sebbi was safe, even if that meant putting more strain on her wallet, one that was anemic given her full-time position as an Acadium student, though she was set to graduate in the spring. Her school work barely allowed her to get a full night's rest, let alone take on part-time employment. In her last year, she'd accepted an apprenticeship with the Triadian Potioneering Guild, but the position paid in experience only.
Experience, while valuable, didn't keep stomaches full. Or stubborn Sebbi's from dressing weather-appropriately.
"You know–" Sebbi let his eyelids drift close, his fingers curling around her hair. "If I weren't so miserable–" Miserable because of his own decisions, she thought, "--this would be perfect." A pleasant hum accompanied his voice, the heat of his breath tickling her neck.
"What would be perfect?"
"This." He raised his head, his gaze sparkling as he stared into her face. "Us. Here together, curled under blankets."
Her heart raced, her body flooded by a tidal wave of embarrassing heat. "Even though the ride to Laos has been pretty bumpy?"
The tram they rode was one of the older models, built without reinforced ly'ren stone wheels and extra stabilizers. When the tram jumped the track, they felt it, Sebbi more so, as his face always became slightly greener whenever the tram landed.
Abbernathy and Magick's End |Trilogy Now Complete!
Fantasy**Sequel to Abbernathy and the Two Kings ** One girl. Two loved ones missing. And magick that needs saving. This is Abbernathy and Magick's End, the third, and final, leg of Abby's journey. Seventeen-year-old Abbernathy Tells is on a mission: save...